Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 9

Sharing Good Practice are able to demonstrate that they are equally as competent as their peers .
In these days of heightened awareness of students ’ wellbeing , we need to be looking at alternative ways to test , in a way that vastly decreases the prolonged anxiety and stress students feel at exam time . The stress is so acute that it is not just mental health that is affected , but many also experience physical symptoms in the run-up to exams . I would suggest that educating young people to have the confidence , self-esteem , and resilience to fulfil their potential is far healthier and more beneficial than producing stressed-out individuals who are so damaged by the process that their futures may be affected in the wrong way . With students ’ mental health now at crisis levels in so many countries , it ’ s clear that such changes are already overdue .
Giving young people the chance to show their potential
I recently watched a 2013 TED talk by Educational researcher Sugata Mitra , and so much of what he said resonated with me . He explained his ‘ hole in the wall ’ project , where he installed public computers in walls in deprived areas in India and the children came together to work out how to use them . His findings illustrated a clear point : if you give young people access to the right technology ( or teacher ), they will work together to find answers .
I love that these children showed what they could achieve by being naturally resourceful and inquisitive . Today ’ s young people are more than capable of doing the same . Many are already innovating beyond their years , and , in many cases , the catalyst is technology .
Skills drive change that can elevate a country ’ s prosperity . They can drive real change and help to tackle inequalities . For example , over the last decade , the UAE has seen much success with integrating technology into education and this , together with a renewed emphasis on equipping students with a skills-based education , will ensure that as the country continues to move away from a reliance on oil , new initiatives and enterprises can emerge to replace it .
Innovation is key
Let ’ s consider the technology industry . It ’ s an area that flourishes on innovation , and learning facts is not what drives it . For students interested in tech-based careers , it is so much better to be hands-on and learning real skills in a workplace , rather than studying for qualifications that will be outdated as soon as they have been gained .
I see the value of workplace trainee schemes first-hand ; it is one that my company wholeheartedly supports by hosting workplace trainees of our own .
Placements are more immediate , practical and relevant – in fact , the perfect environment to , as Sugata Mitra said , ‘ let learning happen ’ with colleagues of all ages , and levels of experience , together . It has certainly worked for the highly engaged young people our company works with , and many have remained with us as fulltime employees after their training has finished .
The future is now
We have always trusted the education system to prepare our children for the future , but the model that has worked in previous centuries is now falling short , today . In this fast-moving technological age , we cannot truly know what the workplace will look like , in even a few years , other than it will be more digital-heavy and remote , with people working from anywhere and everywhere . The key to operating successfully in that environment will be not just a reliance on knowledge , but on digital and soft skills – and that is something we can prepare our students for right now .
Students are inventive and adaptable , but current models of education and testing constrain them within barriers that often appear , to them , irrelevant and uninteresting .
Teaching students a range of digital and soft skills right now is vital for everyone ’ s future . These are the skills
Al Kingsley has almost 30 years ' experience in EdTech and digital safeguarding . He speaks regularly at education events , conferences and exhibitions around the world . Al is the CEO of NetSupport and Chair of two multi-academy trusts in the UK . His book , " My Secret # EdTech Diary ," was released in summer 2021 .
Class Time Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022 09