Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 8

Sharing Good Practice


However , global education systems are still largely committed to the ‘ imparting knowledge ’ model , simply because that ’ s how things have always been done , and being tested on an accumulation of knowledge is the traditional basis for students to prove their capabilities . But technology has transformed the world to such an extent that we are living in a vastly different place than we were , even two years ago . Consider how the pandemic has caused a monumental shift , not just in life and education but also in the workplace . Technology is now impacting so many areas that the onus is on all of us involved in education to prepare our students for this increasingly technology and skillscitizenship education , where students learn all about digital law , etiquette , security , rights and responsibilities and so on . But I believe that these skills need to be taught more widely as part of a larger overhaul of global education systems . Why ? Not only is technology transforming how we live locally , but it can contribute to managing global issues , such as climate change , ending the reliance on natural resources and pollution – all of which will require us to have the digital and interpersonal skills to collaborate and innovate on multiple levels as we try to find ways to mitigate them . They simply won ’ t wait for our education systems to catch up .

The world is changing fast , and so must we , if we are to live in it ; successfully , productively and sustainably . based future .

It ’ s all online
These days , we have immediate access to knowledge or facts – we can ask Alexa , Google or Siri , or look online for answers . So , isn ’ t it time we challenged the idea of knowledge-led education ? With technology use becoming ever more embedded into society , I would suggest a focus on skills as the way forward – to ensure young people know how to find digital information , and then examine , challenge , validate and use it appropriately .
Of course , many schools already teach these skills as far as they can within their curriculums . The UAE , for example , is already taking significant steps in this direction , teaching problem-solving , critical thinking and human skills , alongside digital
Another consideration is that the pandemic has accelerated changes in the employment landscape . Although still in a period of flux and adaptation , in the future , it will require employees who are creative , independent , reliable , adaptable , resourceful and can work successfully with others , both locally and with other countries and cultures , to achieve real solutions to real situations . We need our students to be ready and able to embrace this .
Let ’ s talk about assessment
Preparation , revision and the lead-up to the exams that determine students ’ futures is intolerably stressful , probably more now than ever before . But the current testing system is broken . And although some countries are moving towards online testing , too many still compel students to recall facts under exam pressure and write them down , pen-and-paper style . After a whole school career of using edtech , this makes no sense and does not create a level playing field for assessment . For example , we know that some students handle written exams well , but others will outshine them with the creativity of their coursework ; or some may have reading disorders , yet with the accessibility features that technology affords them in the classroom , they
08 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
Class Time