Teach Middle East Magazine Apr-Jun 2022 Issue 3 Volume 9 | Page 10

Sharing Good Practice


BY : CORY A . BENNETT in ; even the best of teachers do this sometimes . Having someone provide instructional support who will not evaluate the teacher is instrumental to effectiveness of an instructional coach .

Instructional coaches can be a highly effective way to support teachers , build a more unified curriculum , align teaching practices across and within grades or departments , and otherwise serve as a go-to resource for supporting teaching and learning . They are not only well versed with working with diverse groups of students and highly knowledgeable about curriculum and instruction , but they can also compliment the strongest leadership team . For schools who are considering creating such a position , or for those just starting , there are several things of which to be mindful in this process . In fact , the decisions made early on , even before you begin interviewing for the position , will greatly impact the long-term results , relationships , and effectiveness of the instructional coach .

As such , we are going to look at some of the key aspects when creating an instructional coaching position . These aspects will not only help schools and school leaders but will help teachers who may be considering a move to such a position . While each school is unique , and the different roles and responsibilities might vary from school to school for an instructional coach , the areas below outline some of the key aspects to consider and attend to as you begin , develop , and grow an instructional coaching program .
Assessing Needs
Perhaps one of the first major things to consider are the schools current needs with respect to supporting learning . Clearly , not all schools are the same . In some schools , department heads , curriculum departments , or even assistant principals may be responsible for being in the classrooms and attending to the nature of the learning and the teaching that supports it . In these situations , an instructional coach position may not be a good fit as it can create redundancies and confusion .
However , if you ask yourself , who provides non-evaluative instructional support to teachers , so that they can further develop their craft — a person who has no power , influence , or impact on their annual evaluation — and you do not have a person who serves in this capacity , then a coach may be helpful . It is important to note that coaches should not be in any kind of evaluative position as so much of their work , and the impact of this work , stems from strong relationships grounded in trust . If a teacher believes the coach is part of the administrative team , it may be difficult to build this kind of relationship . If you have been in a leadership role you have seen it happen before . Teachers ’ instructional practices often change when someone from the leadership team comes
Furthermore , there may only be a need for an instructional coach within certain disciplines , like mathematics or literacy for example . When a leadership team begins the conversation around the need for an instructional coach , they need to consider the breadth of the content to be supported . For some schools , instructional coaches may support all grades , from a broader perspective or the leadership team may recognize the need for more focused and sustained support , within a particular content area . Knowing the specific needs of the school will help develop the specific duties of the instructional coach , which leads us to their roles and responsibilities .
Roles and Responsibilities
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of an instructional coach is the first big hurdle when developing this position . Even in the research-base , there is no one definition or description of what an instructional coach does . Without a clear description of their work , who they work with ( voluntarily or mandatory , though the latter is not advised ), who they report to and what they report to this person ( s ), there can be much confusion , at best , for all involved . For many new coaches , they come into this position with their own ideas of what an instructional coach does , and this may not align with the needs of the school . Clarity is kindness .
Likewise , when there is frequent turnover in both teaching and leadership positions , which can be common in international schools , it can be confusing about the coach ’ s work without a clear statement , accessible to all who may be of interest , on their specific duties . When these positions get created ,
10 Term 3 Apr - Jun 2022
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