TDF Magazine Vol. 2 | Page 9

2 NOT EATING FOR TWO by Dana Wilkoff During pregnancy, your hormones are all over the place and you have cravings for food you have never liked before. Nothing is weirder than desiring salty chips when you are normally a sweet cookie kind of person. Additionally, pregnancy hormones will also make you want to eat constantly all day long! These hormones are what cause so many women to gain extra weight during pregnancy. There is a myth surrounding pregnancy; most women believe you can eat for two while pregnant. The average woman needs to gain 25-35 pounds while pregnant. Your pregnant body only requires approximately 250 additional calories while in your first trimester, around 350 calories in your second trimester, and between 400-500 additional calories in those last 3 months. Most women do not know these numbers and will eat too few calories for a few days, which leads to a binge. So what’s the best way to stay on track and prevent a binge? Pay attention to what you are eating on a daily basis; this includes how much and when you are eating! Once you find out you are pregnant, calculate your maintenance calories. This is the first step to knowing you are consuming the correct amount of calories. Once you know your maintenance calories, add on the additional calories you need for each trimester of pregnancy. But it is not as easy as knowing how much to eat. You need to also space your calories throughout the day. Try to eat every 2-3hrs to ensure your stomach is never empty. If you become overly hungry, you will over eat quickly. And with your hormones raging, you will give into you strange and weird cravings. Another way to stay on track is just enjoying your cravings, in moderation. I love chocolate so while I am pregnant I have 3 pieces of dark chocolate or 2 small chocolate banana muffins every night. Knowing I can have a small amount of my cravings every night, keeps me from having a large amount. Want ice cream? Try to buy the individual size containers, or go to your favorite ice cream shop instead of purchasing a gallon container. Please, enjoy your pregnancy and the crazy hormones that make you want to eat the weirdest foods! But remember that the weight adds up quicker than it comes off, and working out with a new baby at home is not the easiest thing in the world. Be smart with your choices, make sure you are eating enough healthy and clean foods, and know how many calories you need during each stage of your pregnancy.