TDF Magazine Vol. 2 | Page 8

Turning the Bluegrass State PINK by Crystal Honeycutt September 2013, I started #PinkWednesday as a fun online weekly event for everyone, no matter age, race, weight, financial status, or looks. Growing up, I was never the popular girl, never picked first for sports or teams, and I was just never in the “in” crowd. When I got the idea for #PinkWednesday, I was excited to have something that everyone could actively participate. Over the past few months, I have received hundreds of messages from women thanking me for this weekly event because they finally felt like they were a part of a program; Many, like me, never fit in anywhere before the TDF community. Little did I know that a certain little girl in Kentucky was watching her mother participate in #PinkWednesday. For the past 5 months, Reagan Nunn and her friends at school have been wearing pink each Wednesday in honor of all the girls who don’t feel that they have a place to belong. These kids are taking a stand to show that everyone is good enough and on Wednesdays, they wear pink to prove that everyone belongs. This local school movement all came from the heart of Reagan Nunn. I am in awe at this beautiful young lady and whether she realizes it or not, she is MY hero. Please read Reagan’s words below! This little girl proves that it only takes one person to make a difference! And for this school in Kentucky, she is that one person. “Back in November, when Mama started doing #pinkwednesday, I did it with her some weeks. One Friday night, we watched Mean Girls. I didn’t like the way The Plastics treated everyone. I told Mama that nice girls wear pink too! The next week I went to school and told my friends about #pinkwednesday and that we should do it too. I think #pinkwednesday is a day when girls unite, build friendships, and wear PINK!” -Reagan