Tanzania The Promised Land Tanzania The Promised Land | Page 6

is the World’s Largest Inactive, Intact and Unfilled Volcanic Caldera The Ngorongoro crater Nicknamed the Garden of Eden, Ngorongoro Crater is host to approximately 30,000 to 40,000 species. Most notable are the stunning pink flamingos and the rare black rhino within the 102 square miles of its limits. Ngorongoro was voted a natural wonder of the world in 2013. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area also protects the Olduvai Gorge, situated within the plains. It is considered to be the seat of humanity after the discovery of the earliest known specimens of the human genus, Homo habilis as well as early hominidae, such as Paranthropus boisei. The crater has one of the densest known populations of Masai lions (also known as East African Lions). Ngorongoro is situated close to Serengeti plains and Kilimanjaro Mountain. Tourists can visit all three on one safari trip. Tanzania The Promised Land 6