tactics The New Face Of Afghanistan | Page 7

Since the start of the operations, the female presence on Afghan politics has grown substantially. Women were allowed not only to vote, but also attend public affairs meetings and even join military forces (the ANP and ANA).

The involvement of the female medical operators gave Afghan women the possibility to diagnose illnesses and pregnancies, but also treat themselves against illnesses and create better hygiene conditions.

Since the operation began, it is expected that British soldiers delivered more than 3000 care packages, treated more than 15,000 Afghan women and children, and performed 700 childbirth assistance services. Such numbers are expected to double by the year of 2020.

on the left: a Royal Medic provides information to a local politician Lashkargah, Helmand, Afghanistan.

ahead: a Royal Medic for the 112TH delivers papers with hygiene instructions to Afghan children near Musa Qala, Helmand, Afghanistan.