TA Postscripts, Spring 2024 | Page 15


How did a kid who grew up in Biddeford , attended St . Louis , and graduated from Biddeford High School , become a supporter of Thornton Academy ?
Shortly after we married , Kathie and I settled in Saco , and for 37 years lived on Clark Street , just a stone ’ s throw from Thornton . The campus is beautiful , and as a real estate agent , it ’ s truly one of the jewels in the city .
Thornton nurtured the love of dance and performing arts in our daughter , Jennifer ’ 01 , who now operates Collective Motion Arts Studio in Saco . Our son , Joel ’ 03 , also thrived at TA . In addition to his studies in Saco , he attended the Biddeford Regional Center of Technology , and later furthered his education and career in automotive technology . Joel ’ s two sons , a freshman and a senior , represent the second generation of Bourgeaults at TA .
" We established a Charitable Remainder Unit Trust . The principal will be left to Thornton ."
In 2011 , we sold to Thornton a few properties , one on Clark Street and where my parents had lived , on the corner of Main and Fairfield streets . That location now houses the Fairfield Dorm and the Finance Building . Using the sale proceeds of one of those properties , Kathie and I committed to becoming members of the 1811 Society , and with the guidance of our
financial advisor , we established a Charitable Remainder Unit Trust . The principal will be left to Thornton ; until then , we receive the investment return from the trust .
Kathie and I hope our 1811 designation will help ensure that the outstanding programs at Thornton Academy continue long into the future .
Eric Purvis ’ 81 - President Angela Bolduc Vangel Cotsis ’ 85 Kristine Delano Phil Fearon ’ 70 Bernie Gaines ’ 65 Robert Gowen Joel Levesque ’ 85 Timothy Murphy ’ 78 Margaret O ' Neil ’ 72 Kirk Purvis ’ 93 Paul Remmes Mark Willett ’ 65
David Pendleton ’ 81 - President Amy Levasseur DesRoberts ’ 97 Lindsay DesRoberts ’ 24 - student rep Roberta Sargent Gallant ’ 62 James Lowe ’ 92 Haley Nason Magnell ’ 10 Paula Cote Scully ’ 89 Mia Taranko ’ 20 Scott Sicard ’ 88
Joel J . Levesque ’ 85 - Chair Matt Cook ’ 91 Dr . Brian K . Dallaire ’ 75 Joshua Fearon ’ 98 Bernard Gaines ’ 65 Eric A . Purvis ’ 81 Kirk Purvis ’ 93 Clint Williams
Robert Hooper ’ 54 William & Mary ’ 51 ( Atkinson )
Johnson John Lamb ’ 79 Joel Levesque ’ 85 Maureen ( Hickey ) Macaleer ’ 66 Maine Community Bank Elaine ( Sullivan ) Marino ’ 78 Karen & Lovell Marston Mark ’ 72 & Joanne McInnis Steve McNabb ’ 74 Rene ’ 88 & Lisa Menard Roger ’ 65 & Lydia Miles Tim Murphy ' 78 Peggy O ' Neil ’ 72
David ’ 81 & Brigitte ( Morneau ) ’ 85 Pendleton
Ken ’ 65 & Nancy ( Scamman )
Pike ’ 67 Eric Purvis ’ 81 Kirk ’ 93 & Abby ( Graffam ’ 96 )
Purvis Bob Quentin ’ 76 Karen Reardon ’ 76 Paul Remmes Saco & Biddeford Savings Institute Horst Seeley ’ 58 Donald & Susan Sharland Kevin Simard ’ 82
Sue ( Mondor ) Spath ’ 67 Fred Stackpole ’ 58 Malcolm Stackpole ’ 71 Anne Marie Swenson Giselle Tardiff ’ 90 Thornton Academy Alumni
Association Three Friends Charitable Fund Andy & Carol ( Smith ) Taranko ‘ 92 Robert Warner ’ 72 Mark ’ 65 & Gayle ( Andrews )
Willett ’ 65 Joan ( Crogan ) Youngs ’ 54 Anonymous ( 2 )
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