Thanks to the support of those individuals and organizations listed below , we moved significantly closer to reaching our fundraising goal for a new Athletic Complex .
A 1:2 matching grant opportunity from the E . E . Ford Foundation encouraged $ 200,000 in new gifts that were matched with $ 100,000 from the Ford Foundation .
“ The $ 300,000 raised through the generosity of our donors and the E . E . Ford Foundation brings our Athletic Complex significantly closer to reality ,” says Jennifer Day , Thornton ’ s Director of Development . “ We have another $ 200,000 remaining to reach our current goal , and are incredibly grateful for the significant jump-start provided by our matching campaign donors .”
Thornton Academy does not receive tax-payer funding in support of capital projects , and must rely on the generosity of our alumni , friends , parents , community foundations , and businesses to fund new construction and maintain our campus .
Learn more about the Athletic Complex at ThorntonAcademy . org / AthleticComplex
E . E . Ford Matching Grant Donors
Thanks to those individuals and organizations whose one time cash donations helped us reach the E . E . Ford Foundation 1:2 matching grant , bringing us $ 300,000 closer to our goal .
Kyle ’ 96 & Angela Bolduc H . Elise ( Edfors ) Browser ’ 46 Brian Calahan ’ 62 Casco Bay Cleaning Marianne Cook Sophocles Cotsis ’ 81 Vangel ’ 85 and Erika Cotsis Phil & Dolly Curtis Brian Dallaire ’ 75 Ryan Davis ’ 98 Jason & Jenn Day Kristine Delano Norman Desormier ‘ 64 & Gloria Desormier Amy ( Levasseur ) DesRoberts ’ 97
Martin & Karen Donovan Phil ’ 70 & Brandi Fearon Thomas Fuerest G & E Roofing Co ., Inc . Marc & Martha Gagne Bernie Gaines ' 65 Gerald Gaudette ’ 59 Marco & Kristin Giancotti GMP Charities , Inc Matt Gooding ’ 94 Bob Gowen & Gayle ( Spears
’ 65 ) Young Ben Grasso Jeffrey Harris ’ 79 Jeanne Hey & Thomas Klak