Swish Mag August.2013 | Page 13

Tips For Improvement The basic jumpshot Form The form of how you hold the ball can be done in many ways. For every player the style of a jumpshot and the form of holding the ball is different. This is because players have different comforts in holding the ball, however we will be talking about the best and simplest way for a perfect form. The dominant hand must be placed underneath the ball preferably in the middle. This hand will be the force of shooting a jumpshot; the hand is placed underneath the ball for a certain reason which is because that the ball is meant to be shot up then fall into the basket. The right arm must have the shape of an ā€˜Lā€™ shape because it helps the ?uidity of the shot. The other hand must be placed on the side of the ball.This hand will be what guides the ball into a straight line to the basket. If your right hand is not placed in a comfortable postion on the side of the ball or it is not placed correctly then the ball will always be shot in a different direction, making your shot a miss. This is something that you would not want to do. To ?nd your left hands correct positon is not hard, you just need to try varied positions which will eventually help you ?nd your comfort zone. Also, the left hand does not move when your dominant hand takes the shot, it only guides the ball, think of it as a barrel of a gun.