Tips For Improvement
The basic jumpshot
The ?rst step of a basic jumpshot
is the stance. Every jumpshot
must have a perfect stance. The
knees must be bent and the form
of how you hold the ball must be
set. The reason why bending
your knees is so important is
because it gives your legs more
power, making your jumpshot
have height. The jumpshot is
used to shoot the ball over a
defender so he/she will not be
able to block or steal the ball
away from you.
As you can see in these images,
the knees of this individual are
bent ready to jump, his form is
set and his body is hunched
forwards. The stance is always
the ?rst step which gives the
player the momentum to shoot a
jumpshot. Also the stance of a
jumpshot prepares you for when
a teammate will passes the ball
to you, remember to have your
hands facing forwards infront of
your chest so you can catch the