Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 21

    Dedicated   to   Lord   Ganesha,   the   Karpa   Vinayagar   temple   is   situated   in   Thiruppatthur   of   Tamil   Nadu   state.   In   this   ancient   rock­cut   cave   shrine,   there   are   rock­cut   images   of   Lord   Shiva   and   other   gods.   The   presiding   deity   here   is   Karpa   Vinayakar.   On   the   stones   of   this   temple,   the   Agama   texts   are   found.   This   temple   was   constructed   after   observing   a   hillrock   by   the   early   Pandyan   kings.    22.   Ucchi   Pillayar   Temple        Dedicated   to   Lord   Ganesha,   it   is   a   Hindu   temple   of   7th   Century.   It   is   located   at   a   top   of   Rockfort,   Trichy   in   the   state   of   Tamil   Nadu.   According   to   Mythology,   this   is   the   place   to   where   Ganesha   ran   Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/