Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 22

from   King   Vibishana   after   establishing   the   deity   of   Ranganathaswamy   in   Srirangam.   This   temple   stands   83m   tall   resting   atop   the   rock.   This   rock   was   cut   by   the   pallavas   first   but   the   Nayaks   of   Madurai   completed   this   temple’s   construction   under   the   Vijayanagara   empire.    23.   Manakula   Vinayagar   Temple        Located   in   Puducherry,   this   is   a   Hindu   temple   dedicated   to   Lord   Ganesha.   It   was   built   around   400   A.D.   It   is   a   popular   tourist   destination   and   pilgrimage   site   in   Puducherry.   Many   attempts   were   made   to   destroy   this   temple   during   the   French   period   but   the   strong   protests   from   the   then   Hindu   people   prevented   this   temple   from   getting   demolished.     24.   Subrahmanya   Temple,   Saluvankuppam,   Tamil   Nadu    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/