Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 12

    Representing   few   of   the   earliest   known   examples   of   Hindu   temples,   the   Badami   Cave   Temples   situated   in   Karnataka   are   a   complex   system   of   rock­cut   Buddhist,   Jain   and   Hindu   shrines.   In   the   6th   Century   A.D,   under   the   Chalukya   rule,   they   were   carved   out   by   the   artisans.   Previously,   Badami   was   known   as   Vataapi   Badami,   the   early   Chalukya   dynasty’s   capital.   In   the   later   times,   it   was   surrounded   by   forts   on   the   north   and   south   sides.    12.   Badrinath   Temple    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/