Swamirara Top 25 Thousand Year Old Temples in India - Google | Page 11

    The   Varadaraja   Perumal   Temple   is   one   of   108   Divya   Desams   of   Lord   Vishnu.   In   the   11th   Century   A.D,   the   Cholas   constructed   this   temple.   It   is   situated   in   Kanchipuram,   Tamil   Nadu.   The   other   names   for   this   temple   are   Attiyuran   and   Hastagiri.   Among   the   Divya   Desams,   this   temple   is   known   as   ‘Perumal   Koil’.    11.   Badami   Cave   Temples    Visit   :  h   ttps://www.swamirara.com/