SurTHRIVE Dec.2013 | Page 17

3)Consume only the calories you need in order to maintain a healthy body weight.

Consuming the right amounts of food for your body will keep it from storing excess amounts of sugars, which, unused, will be turned into fat and stored in your body. The recommended number of calories an average teenager should consume ranged from 1,800 to 3,200 calories per day, depending on your size and weight, and also the amount of activity your body does per day.


Evaluate how many calories you need per day and be aware of your proportions


Just eat as much as you can until you feel full.

4)Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and fruits have natural sugar. These should be a large part of your daily diet, and other sweetened foods, such as cakes, cookies, etc., can be consumed but with caution regarding the sugars you should be consuming per day.


Consume a moderate amount of vegetables and fruits for natural sugars and fibers


Consume too many sweets and skimp on vegetables

Sugars are n essential part of your diet because they provide your body with the energy it needs to keep you active. However, too many sugars consumed, especially ones that aren't natural, could be converted into fat and stored in your system if it's not used by your body. Fibers help you to feel full faster, and prevents you from consuming too many carbohydrates and sugars.

5)Fats aren’t always bad for you. Make sure you get good fats to help your body absorb nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids, in your diet.


Consume healthy fats in moderate amounts to keep your body energized


Consume unhealthy fats with reckless abandon