Support Office Learning Specsavers-Guide-to-your-training-v2.3 | Page 18
Make it
We take accountability to see things
through and get the job done
• Celebrate success and never be satisfied
• Involve the right people at the right time to get results - and keep it simple
• Raise the bar and be creative to stay ahead
• Deliver more for less, conscious of cost
Study it Try it
Discuss and clarify your objectives
with your manager Attend staff communications
meetings and team meetings to
understand current objectives Look for opportunities to raise the bar, deliver more
for less whilst being cost conscious
Read the book, “Make it happen”.
Use this to help identify how you
use your time and identify how
you could use it better Share success – yours and your team’s – with your
Discuss the Specsavers behaviours to
know what’s expected
Ask your line manager for examples
of going the extra mile and identify
ways that you can do this.
• Take ownership for delivering plans and meeting our objectives
Discuss it
Discuss your job description to know
what’s expected of you.
• Work with drive and passion, and go the extra mile
Discuss and identify with colleagues,
functional experts and your line
manager the right people to involve
in an activity
Invite and engage the right people early on in an
activity; outlining what their role is and why they
have been invited
Use a cost-benefit analysis in decision making
Participate in a community project
Identify a mentor who is a great role
model for ‘Making it happen’. Read the book “Will it make the
boat go faster?”
Identify a leader in the organisation
who role models ‘working with drive
and passion’. Meet with them to
discuss what drives them and how
they demonstrate this. Identify ideas for improving your
own game strategies
Agree with your manager that you will take responsibility
for your function / team budget for three months and
review on a regular basis.
Use a group of people to come up with solutions and ideas
– facilitate an ideas activity to achieve this
Volunteer to become involved in a project or activity
outside your normal role responsibility