1781 – Campus Review
We are undertaking an objective review of possible options for the University of Hertfordshire’s Bayfordbury
Campus, situated about six miles from the University’s main campus. It hosts the Bayfordbury Observatory,
the University’s teaching observatory for astronomy and astrophysics, regarded as one of the finest
astronomical teaching observatories in the country. The School of Life and Medical Sciences also use the
campus as a field centre, making use of the environment and facilities. The review is in regard to its current
use, the future needs of the University, the views of internal and external stakeholders and potential
commercial opportunities.
1682 – Student Hub Presentation
We presented on the activities and developments with respect to Student Hubs in the sector and specifically
the areas of administration supported by the Hub at other institutions. A number of case studies were
presented as good practice.
SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016