1598 – Digital Archive
Greenwich is producing increasing volumes of digital information in research, teaching and administration.
How to make best use of this and satisfy regulations on sharing, storage and disposal is becoming complex.
SUMS spoke with stakeholder groups and investigated experience elsewhere to develop a framework to
inform future decisions.
1651 – OCIO Organisation
The institution was embarking on a review of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and wished to gain
a deeper understanding of how other universities organised such services. SUMS used its knowledge
and contacts in other organisations and undertook desk research to produce a summary which informed
the discussion.
1690 – HR Organisation Comparative Study
The University of Hertfordshire took part in a joint study with UWE. UWE had already carried out some
quantitative HR benchmarking which raised a number of questions and asked SUMS to extend this to provide
more direction. We adopted an approach which included using SUMS qualitative service maturity model.
Working with the University of Hertfordshire and UWE, we extended this model and developed a
complementary quantitative model. Five members completed the combined survey which provided the
insights and direction. The University of Hertfordshire took part in joint study with UWE (see 1677) to
provide insights into the effectiveness of HR. They have since undertaken some structural changes.
Activities 31