SUMS Annual Review 2016 2016 | Page 19

1664 – Performance Management SUMS supported the review of the staff development review (SDR) scheme. Our support was given in two phases: Phase 1 – benchmark research with a range of comparator HE institutions. The participating universities were six close comparators and three universities that were known to have reviewed their staff review and development arrangements in recent years. The output provided insight into Performance Management within the sector – the commonality of practice, new initiatives and emerging themes. Phase 2 – support for the staff consultation element by facilitating a number of focus groups across the University. An output from our work was a series of recommendations. 1684 – Data Management Quality SUMS was asked to “Explore approaches to student data quality management through examining practices within the HE sector and developing a few examples into case studies.” The output was a briefing paper that, whilst not comprehensive in its review, aimed to reference the key published papers and show a few different approaches to tackling the subject. The conclusions drawn from this review were: • Start with a business driver for any change project • Data warehouse projects will surface data quality issues by their very nature and can be used as a driver • A data quality policy in isolation is unlikely to drive change, but can be a useful addition to a change project • Any process review should think about data quality as part of the review or as a parallel workstream • Data integration is an enabler of good student data quality but is difficult to sell in isolation of a business need • Governance and culture cannot be ignored when reviewing data quality. Activities 19