Summer Guide 2024 | Page 57

Slithering Snakes
Fantastic Fireflies
Grove Summer Drop-In Activities
Insect Safari
Getting in Touch with Trees
Slithering Snakes
Meet some common Illinois snakes and their babies . Discover how they move , where they live , and what they eat ! A trained Grove animal handler will help shed light on some of the common misconceptions about these legless wonders .
The Grove
Su • 10-11 am
7 / 14
5 + Yrs
$ 8 /$ 10
Fantastic Fireflies
Discover the unique flashing adaptation fireflies use for communicating before venturing out on a guided hike . Watch our entire forest light up as the sun goes down .
The Grove
Sa • 7:30-9 pm
7 / 20
6 + Yrs
$ 12 /$ 14
Grove Summer Drop-In Activities
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult . No registration required . Fee : $ 1 / participant , payable at door
Make a Flower Necklace Su • 11 am-2 pm * 7 / 7
Make a Flower Picture Frame Su • 11 am-2 pm * 8 / 4
Paint a Tree Cookie Su • 11 am-2 pm * 8 / 25 * while supplies last
Insect Safari
Explore The Grove ' s grasses and woodlands in search of amazing insects . Discover and capture often overlooked wildlife . Hands-on fun includes using sweep nets , collecting jars , magnifiers , and I . D . books .
The Grove
Su • 1-2 pm
7 / 21
6 + Yrs
$ 8 /$ 10
Getting in Touch with Trees
We ' ll show you how easy it can be for you to identify a tree simply by the kind of leaves it produces . We ' ll take a very close look at the differences in tree flowers , fruit , seeds , and bark and use our imaginations and see what we can create with these tree parts . Price is per child / adult pairing .
The Grove
Su • 10-11:30 am
8 / 11
6 + Yrs + Adult
$ 12 /$ 14

Sa , July 13

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