Summer Guide 2024 | Page 56

Free ! Color Hike with Pride
The Shape of Things
Sounds Around
Secret Life of Bugs
Full Moon Hike and Fire
Barbara ' s Butterfly Dance
Free ! Color Hike with Pride
We ’ re encouraging more opportunity for inclusivity and connection in the outdoors with a casual , fun and colorful guided trail hike . Meet like-minded individuals and celebrate the impact and accomplishments LGBTQAI + people have had on the natural world . Rainbow attire encouraged . Children under 2 are free .
The Grove
Su • 2-3 pm
6 / 9
All Ages
The Shape of Things
Adults along with their young children will explore The Grove trails in search of shapes and colors with a trained guide and look at nature in new ways by using simple provided tools . Price is per child / adult pairing .
The Grove
Su • 10-11 am
7 / 7
2-5 Yrs + Adult
$ 12 /$ 14
Sounds Around
Young children with their adults will learn to " tune in " to the sounds of their environment and explore all the wondrous sounds of nature while learning how our ears work and how other animals hear . Price is per child / adult pairing .
The Grove
Su • 10-11 am
8 / 4
2-5 Yrs + Adult
$ 12 /$ 14
Secret Life of Bugs
Come to The Grove and discover what lives in the soil , under the leaves , and in the fallen logs . Learn about the secret life of bugs ! You ' ll be amazed at all the different types of bugs you ' ll find and where they can live . Price is per adult / child pair .
The Grove
Su • 10-11 am
7 / 21
2-5 Yrs + Adult
$ 12 /$ 14
Full Moon Hike and Fire
The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy and activity . So get active with your friends and family at The Grove . Immerse yourselves in the magic of the full moon as we explore the trails after hours followed by songs , stories , s ' mores and popcorn by a campfire . Adults and children register separately . The Grove
Full Strawberry Moon
F • 7-8 pm
6 / 21
F • 7:30-8:30 pm
6 / 21
F • 8-9 pm
6 / 21
4 + Yrs
$ 12 /$ 14
Barbara ' s Butterfly Dance
At first the butterflies appear random in their fluttering around each other , and then , suddenly synchronized , they circle and spin together performing a dance . Learn all about butterflies , go through your own metamorphosis , get your own wings , and learn a butterfly dance .
The Grove
Sa • 1-2:30 pm
8 / 3
4-9 Yrs
$ 5