Summer Guide 2024 | Page 58

Guided Bird Walk
Kennicott Girls Club
Hooked on Fishing
Father ' s Day at the Forge – Blacksmithing
Rainbow Explorers : A Family Adventure in Prism Science
Grove History Hike
Guided Bird Walk
Join Grove educators on a leisurely guided walk to learn about native and migrating birds ! Learn how to use binoculars and colorful guides to help identify these special visitors .
The Grove
Su • 9:15-10:30 am
6 / 2
6 + Yrs
$ 2 /$ 3
Kennicott Girls Club
Experience what life was like growing up on the prairie in the 1800s as we explore traditional roles and tasks typically performed by women of the past through hands-on activities . Kennicott Girls Club provides a fun STEM-focused learning environment designed to empower children to try new things , think outside the box , and develop confidence .
The Grove
Sa • 9:30-11:30 am
7 / 13-9 / 14
7-12 Yrs
$ 185 /$ 200
Hooked on Fishing
Learn to fish close to home at Lake Glenview with a fishing session guided by The Grove staff . Participants will learn how to bait a hook , cast a line , and handle a caught fish . All equipment provided . A license is required for anglers 16 + years old fishing in all Illinois waters and can be purchased online at dnr . illinois . gov .
Lake Glenview
Sa • 9:30-11 am
6 / 15
7 + Yrs
$ 16 /$ 18
Father ' s Day at the Forge – Blacksmithing
Make a lasting memory as you learn how to use the tools of a blacksmith – forge , hammer , tongs and anvil – to create a " pigtail " for the kitchen or grill this Father ’ s Day . Adults work side by side with their young apprentices . Refreshments provided .
The Grove 407036-A
Sa • 11:30 am-2:30 pm
6 / 15
13 + Yrs + Adult $ 75 /$ 80
Rainbow Explorers : A Family Adventure in Prism Science
Explore what a rainbow is , what are the different colors , how a rainbow is formed in nature and learn how to make your own with prisms . Take your prism home to continue exploring the beautiful colors and uniqueness of rainbows .
The Grove
Sa • 10-11 am
6 / 9
7-12 Yrs
$ 10 /$ 12
Grove History Hike
Not only will you experience spectacular views of nature , you will also learn more about The Grove ’ s history as we hike to each museum building including the Native American Indian Long House , Pioneer Log Cabin , Blacksmith ’ s Shop , School House , and the Historic 1856 Kennicott House . This is a relatively easy hike accessible to a wide range of walkers .
The Grove 407045-A
Su • 10-11 am
6 / 9
Su • 10-11 am
7 / 14
Su • 10-11 am
8 / 18
9 + Yrs
$ 5