( Top left ) Chattahoochee Nature Center Board Chair Clarence Jackson attended the press conference for the new River Boardwalk Trail and Connection Bridge . ( Bottom left ) Sophia Jackson spread mulch around the new River Boardwalk Trail and Connection Bridge . ( Bottom right ) Cox Automotive ’ s Sherece Mizzi put the finishing touches on a garden bed .
Nearly 20 Team Cox volunteers supported Georgia ’ s Chattahoochee Nature Center , making the 127 acres a more beautiful natural space for its over 140,000 annual visitors . They built wrap-around fencing to protect plants , spread mulch around the center ’ s new River Boardwalk Trail and Connection Bridge , and cleaned up the campus .
( Bottom left ) John Parker ( left ) and Valentyna Yurtyn cleared fastgrowing black mustard that out-competes native vegetation . ( Top right ) Volunteers removed invasive black mustard , protecting the habitat of nearly 200 species of birds . ( Bottom right ) Cox Automotive volunteers dug up invasive plants from the Back Bay uplands area .
Nearly 30 Cox Automotive volunteers in Irvine , Calif ., helped Newport Bay Conservancy with a restoration project in the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve and Ecological Reserve . They removed 14 large bags of invasive black mustard , preventing thousands of mustard seeds from hitting the soil . This gives native plants more space to grow and protects crucial habitat for endangered species like the Least Bell ’ s vireo and the California gnatcatcher .
After learning the proper techniques , Team Cox volunteers planted 120 trees , positively impacting Indianapolis .
More than 60 NextGear Capital and Manheim team members , working with long-time partner Keep Indianapolis Beautiful , planted 120 trees in their community . Their efforts helped improve air and water quality , reduce noise pollution and greenhouse gases now and into the future , and support our 34 by 34 environmental sustainability goal .
34 SUMMER 2022