don’t put yourself out there. You
must take the first step to find that
water source. Think carefully about
who your target customer is. Develop
Focus More on Quality
& Experience Pricing is one of the
Pricing is one of the sore points for sore points for people
people who’re new to the world of online
work. You may feel that you must o�er
who’re new to the
the lowest price to win a deal because world of online work.
you’re new to the game. This isn’t You may feel that you
necessarily true. How you sell yourself is
what ultimately matters.
Let’s say you’re a writer. You can boost
your credibility by:
1. Taking online courses that o�er verified
certificates to prove your skill if you
don’t have a tertiary-level degree in the
field. Website such as EdX, Coursera and
Allison o�ered verified certificates in
courses from leading universities.
2. Creating at least 10 work samples that
cover a range of in-demand writing tasks
that interest you. Use these samples to
must offer the lowest
price to win a deal
because you’re new to
the game.
If you can prove that you’ll provide the
best solution to this person’s problem,
price won’t matter. You’d be surprised by
how quickly people will fork out the cash
just to get their issues quickly addressed.
detailed buyer personas and use them
to craft an e�ective marketing plan
to reach these people. It’s the only
way they’ll know you exist.
Consider a Freelancing
The beauty of freelancing platforms is
that customers are already there,
eager to find people to solve their
work-related problems. All you have
to do is find the right job, write an
application that appeals directly to
the person’s pain point, and place a
bid you can support with evidence of
your work and credentials. The rest is
up to the client.
The latter often makes the
You may not have experience producing Find Your Customers;
Don’t Wait for them, to
Find You content for reputable websites, but these Have you ever seen a thirsty dog? The getting you anywhere. Sticking with
credentials and portfolio pieces give you dog pants and sticks out its tongue for it is important if you want to succeed
leverage to ask for higher rates. You may awhile then searches for the nearest on whichever platform you choose.
not get exactly what you want for your water source and drinks the water. The There’ll also be times when there isn’t
first job, but that doesn’t mean you must dog didn’t wait for the water to appear much work coming in. You’ll learn
go far below your worth. Another point before it. Instead, it attempts to find quickly how to bridge the gap by
to note is that listening to a potential water to quench the thirst. Similarly, building a client-base outside of the
client’s needs is important. customers won’t come to you if you freelancing platform.
build your portfolio.
Issue 2: October 2018
experience frustrating for new
freelancers. You’ll feel like you’re
bidding often, but that bidding isn’t