Do Your Research Promote Well
Each online business niche di�ers. For There’s a popular digital marketing book
instance, what you’d do to succeed as a that will change the way you view
freelance graphic designer would be promoting your business online. It’s
completely di�erent from what you’d do called “The 1-Page Marketing Plan” and
to succeed as a YouTube vlogger. was written by Allan Dib. Read it before
Research is important. There are you begin investing in social media
countless articles, EBooks, online campaigns or other online promotions.
courses, podcasts and other resource It’ll help you build a solid marketing
material available for all online business strategy that has a better chance of
niches. Internalize what they’re saying success.
and apply the relevant best practices to
your niche. Don’t just jump right in with
a hope and a prayer.
An online business allows you to have the
freedom to work anywhere in the world.
You’ll be your own boss and probably
earn more than what you earned at your
9 to 5. Stop fearing the risk and just
make the bold move. You’ll succeed when
you find the right niche and are
consistently diligent.
Issue 2: October 2018