Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 8

INTRODUCTION PRECAUTIONS FOR USE WARNING O The main unit requires a 12 V DC power supply. The main unit should not be installed in any vehicle which does not have a 12 V power system with a ground-connected negative side. An installation other than the one intended may cause severe damage to the main unit, and electric shock or serious injury to the users. O Even when using the route guidance of the navigation V\VWHP EH VXUH WR GULYH E\ IROORZLQJ WKH DFWXDO WUDI¿F regulations. If you drive by following only the route guidance RI WKH QDYLJDWLRQ V\VWHP \RX PD\ YLRODWH WKH DFWXDO WUDI¿F UHJXODWLRQVDQGFDXVHDWUDI¿FDFFLGHQW O To ensure safety, the driver should not operate the navigation system while driving. Operating the navigation system while driving may result in an accidental steering wheel operation or otherwise cause an accident. Stop the vehicle before operating the navigation system. Also, do not watch the screen while driving because doing so may be dangerous (ETC). Inattention to road conditions ahead may result in an accident. O The driver should not perform operations such as volume adjustment while driving. Inattention to road conditions ahead may result in an accident, so be sure to stop the vehicle in a safe place before performing the operation. O The driver should not perform operations such as adding a location or setting the memory while driving. Inattention to road conditions ahead may result in an accident, so be sure to stop the vehicle in a safe place before performing the operation. 6 O Before viewing a video, be sure to stop the vehicle in a safe place and apply the parking brake. To ensure safety, videos are not displayed during driving. O To ensure safety, never operate a cell phone while driving. O Do not disassemble or modify the unit. Doing so may result in DQDFFLGHQW¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN O Do not let water or foreign objects enter the internal parts RI WKH XQLW 'RLQJ VR PD\ UHVXOW LQ VPRNH ¿UH RU DQ HOHFWULF shock. O Do not use the unit when it is malfunctioning, such as when the screen is not lit or no sound comes out. Doing so may UHVXOWLQDQDFFLGHQW¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN O $OZD\V UHSODFH IXVHV ZLWK IXVHV RI WKH VDPH VSHFL¿HG capacity (amperage). Using a fuse with a higher capacity than WKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQPD\UHVXOWLQD¿UH O If a foreign object or water enters the unit, smoke or a strange odor may be emitted. If such an abnormality occurs, stop using the unit immediately and contact your SUBARU dealer. $QDFFLGHQW¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNPD\UHVXOWLI\RXFRQWLQXHWR use the unit under these conditions. O In a thunderstorm, do not touch the antenna line or the unit. Lightning may cause an electric shock. O Do not park or stop in prohibited areas to use the unit. O ,I GLUHFW VXQOLJKW VKLQHV LQWR WKH YHKLFOH OLJKW PD\ UHÀHFW RII the product. Be very careful while driving. O Never use headphones or earphones while driving. Driving while not being able to hear sounds from outside the vehicle PD\UHVXOWLQDWUDI¿FDFFLGHQW