Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 7

INTRODUCTION WARNING O This sign indicates a situation in which incorrect handling through disregard of written information might result in death or serious personal injury. CAUTION O This sign indicates a situation in which incorrect handling through disregard of written information might result in personal injury or damage to property. SYMBOLS USED IN ILLUSTRATIONS Information in this manual that must be observed for the unit, and information that is useful to know is indicated as follows. Safety symbol The symbol of a circle with a slash through it means “Do not”, “Do not do this” or “Do not let this happen”. Arrows indicating operations Indicates the action (pressing, turning, etc.) used to operate switches and other devices. NOTE O Useful information for the user is described. O Be sure to read all materials such as manuals and warranties that come with the product. SUBARU CORPORATION is not responsible for problems that arise due to failure to follow these instructions. O &KDQJHV WR SURGXFW VSHFL¿FDWLRQV PD\ UHVXOW LQ GLIIHUHQFHV between the content of the manual and the features of the unit. 5