Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 9

INTRODUCTION CAUTION O Do not use the unit anywhere other than in a vehicle. Doing so may result in an electric shock or other injury. O While driving, keep the volume low enough for you to hear outside sounds. Driving while not being able to hear sounds from outside the vehicle may result in an accident. O Be careful of the volume when turning on the power. If a loud noise is emitted suddenly when you turn on the power, it may damage your hearing. O 7KH VFUHHQ LV HDVLO\ PDUNHG E\ ¿QJHUSULQWV DQG WHQGV WR attract dust, and should therefore be cleaned occasionally. When cleaning, turn off the power, and wipe lightly with a soft, dry cloth. To remove dirt, soak a soft cloth in neutral detergent DQGVTXHH]HZHOOEHIRUHZLSLQJ'RQRWXVHDZHWÀRRUFORWK organic solvents (benzene, ethanol, thinner, etc.), acids, or alkalis. Using such agents will result in screen deterioration. Furthermore, do not hit the screen or rub it with hard objects. O Do not apply a strong force to the display. Doing so may result in a malfunction. O Do not touch the hot parts of the unit. The hot parts may burn you. O Do not use while there is an abnormality such as sound EUHDNXSRUGLVWRUWLRQ'RLQJVRPD\UHVXOWLQD¿UH O Using the unit during extremely high or low temperature may result in mistaken operation or a malfunction. In particular, the temperature inside the vehicle can often rise to a high level during the summer. Cool the vehicle, for example by opening a window, before using the unit. O Be careful if metal or water enters the unit, or the unit is exposed to a strong impact, because it may result in a malfunction. O The touch buttons on the display screen may not operate correctly if condensation forms inside them. If this happens, do not attempt to operate the switches until the condensation has disappeared. 7 O Although the unit can be used when the ignition switch is set to either “ACC” or “ON” position, to protect the battery, start the engine before using the unit. O If juice or similar liquid is spilled on the display, wipe off immediately. Failure to do so may result in product malfunction.