Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 227

WHAT TO DO IF XErrors when updating via smartphone Error code Cause Aha Phone App error Service Not Authenticated 109 Aha Phone App error Service Not Enabled 110 Aha Phone App error Unknown Error 111 Aha Phone App error Server Error Update the map data using a USB memory device or Wi-Fi network. ĺ3  Then, perform the following procedure or contact your SUBARU dealer. 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine.  7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine.  $WWHPSWWKHXSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3 3) If the update cannot be performed, update the map data using a 86%PHPRU\GHYLFHRU:L)LQHWZRUN ĺ3 4) Repeat “STEP 1”. 5) If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer. 108 Solution 9 225