Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 226

WHAT TO DO IF Error code 106 107 224 Cause Solution Compatibility error with map data and navigation system 8SGDWHWKHPDSGDWDXVLQJD86%PHPRU\GHYLFH ĺ3  Then, perform the following procedure: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine. If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer. Connection Error Wi-Fi/Hotspot internet connection not available or internet not reachable.  &KHFNWKH:L)LQHWZRUNVLJQDO ĺ3 ,ISRVVLEOHPRYHWKH vehicle to an area where the signal is better and communication is possible.  $WWHPSWWKHXSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3 3) If the update cannot be performed, perform the following: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine.  $WWHPSWWKHXSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3 5) If the update cannot be performed, update the map data via USB PHPRU\ ĺ3 6) Repeat “STEP 3”. 7) If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer.