Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 225

WHAT TO DO IF MAP UPDATE If a problem occurs when attempting to perform a map update, refer to the following table. XErrors when updating via Wi-Fi, smartphone Error code Cause Solution 103 There is not enough space for the update package 3HUIRUPDIDFWRU\UHVHWWRIUHHXSVSDFH ĺ3 DQGSHUIRUPWKH XSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3  Then, perform the following procedure: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine. If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer. CAUTION: When a factory reset is performed, various settings (driver SUR¿OHSDLUHG%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVUDGLRSUHVHWVDXGLRVHWWLQJV etc.) will be reset. 104 The update package is older than the current package on the device. The system map data is the latest version. Update is not necessary. 101 223 The update package received is not valid for this device. 8SGDWHWKHPDSGDWDXVLQJD86%PHPRU\GHYLFH ĺ3  Then, perform the following procedure: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine. If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer. 9