Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 228

WHAT TO DO IF Error code 112 Aha Phone App error Timeout 113 Aha Phone App error Invalid Response 114 115 226 Cause Solution  &KHFNWKHQHWZRUNVLJQDO ĺ3  If possible, move the vehicle to an area where the signal may be better and communication is possible.  $WWHPSWWKHXSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3 3) If the update cannot be performed, perform the following procedure: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine.  $WWHPSWWKHXSGDWHDJDLQ ĺ3 5) If the update cannot be performed, update the map data using a 86%PHPRU\GHYLFHRU:L)LQHWZRUN ĺ3 6) Repeat “STEP 3”. 7) If the update cannot be completed successfully, contact your SUBARU dealer. Not enough space on phone )UHHXSVXI¿FLHQWVSDFHRQWKHVPDUWSKRQHDQGDWWHPSWWRGRZQORDG WKHPDSXSGDWHGDWDDJDLQ ĺ3 RUXSGDWHWKHPDSGDWDXVLQJ D86%PHPRU\GHYLFHRU:L)LQHWZRUN ĺ3  Then, perform the following procedure: 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine. Data size restriction on phone Reached data restriction on the mobile phone. The connected smartphone has exceeded it’s data plan limit. Update the map data using a USB memory device or Wi-Fi network. ĺ3 7KHQSHUIRUPWKHIROORZLQJSURFHGXUH 7XUQWKHLJQLWLRQVZLWFKWRWKH³/2&.´³2))´SRVLWLRQĺ2SHQWKH GULYHU¶VVLGHGRRUĺ&ORVHWKHGRRUĺ:DLWIRUPLQXWHVRUPRUHĺ Start the engine.