Study: Urban Mobility | Page 11

11 03 CITY PLANNER CHALLENGES AND EXPECTATIONS CURRENT PRIORITY: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT At present, city planners are arguably firefighting when it comes to solving the urban mobility puzzle: they must balance different modes of transport to optimize traffic flow and reduce environmental pollution simultaneously. Moreover, solutions should be able to deal with historically grown infrastructure. As 59% of interviewed city planners say, their cities are designed to serve traditional mobility demands with a strong focus on motorized individual traffic, rather than being designed to also enable fulfilment of future requirements. IS MOBILITY INFRASTRUCTURE IN YOUR CITY DESIGNED TO SERVE TRADITIONAL DEMAND OR TO TACKLE FUTURE CHALLENGES? 18% Not specified 23% Future challenges MOBILITY INFRASTRUCTURE 59% Traditional demand « CITY EXPERT VOICE Around two-thirds of German cities already have a long-term mobility development plan. Strategic implementation is failing in a number of cases due to a lack of funding or priority being given to solving acute problems with « short-term solutions. DR.-ING. WULF-HOLGER ARNDT Head of research unit "Mobility and Space" at Technical University of Berlin