Study: Urban Mobility | Page 10

10 « CITY EXPERT VOICE What cities will most urgently need is a combination of large-scale transportation with solutions such as carpools or ride sharing, for personal doorto-door transport. There needs to be a single app to integrate access, use, and billing. « PROF. DR. ANDREAS KNIE Mobility researcher at WZB Social Science Center Berlin the private company MaaS Global. In Germany, cities such as Berlin with its new app BVG Jelbi or Dusseldorf in cooperation with Moovel are testing the bundling of mobility services. However, these pilots usually still address only a part of urban mobility as important mobility providers do not cooperate or infrastructure is missing. Cities are still struggling to establish an integrated solution that fully connects different modes of transport. … BUT UNLOCKING THE MARKET IS CHALLENGING So far, there is no solution that connects all layers of the value chain from infrastructure to services and manages switching between different modes of transport holistically. The reason lies in the enormous complexity: complexity in terms of technology, the business case and – not to be underestimated – stakeholder alignment as well as path dependency. The aim is to connect all stationary and movable objects, and to optimize them holistically based on the resulting flood of information. This requires considerable upfront investments not only in research, but also in infrastructure. The associated risks can only be managed by developing solutions in close cooperation with the public sector.