Study: Urban Mobility | Page 12

12 « CITY EXPERT VOICE For cities, the search for new mobility solutions for inhabitants is becoming a question of survival in view of urban growth. Amsterdam, for example, is already staging a radical shift from private car and public transport to cycling. LARISSA GUSCHL City Planner We Love the City « Active traffic and congestion management is cited as the most urgent urban mobility issue by the city planners we surveyed, with 32% putting this top of their to-do list. Actively managing traffic flows enables cities to increase peak capacity of mobility infrastructure and to react instantly to emission hot-spots (e.g. dynamic routing and variable speed limits based on current traffic and pollution conditions). Also, city planners aim to reduce the number of individually used and owned vehicles by favoring sharing models (22%) and Mobility-as-a-Service solutions (21%). In this context, the importance of a reliable and capable mobile data network is seen to enable new mobility solutions (10%). IN WHICH AREA DOES YOUR CITY NEED NEW MOBILITY SOLUTIONS NOW? 4% Other 4% Digital management of goods transport 7% Not specified 10% Expansion of mobile data network 21% Mobility-asa-Service PROF. DR. ANDREAS KNIE mobility researcher at WZB Social Science Center Berlin NEW MOBILITY SOLUTIONS 32% Active traffic management 22% Sharing models