Study: The Digital Challenge | Page 13

13 05 ONLY WITH MY PARTNER 5.1. ESCAPING THE COMMODITY TRAP In the long term, however, keeping up with the latest technology and expanding one’s portfolio incrementally will not suffice to successfully meet the challenge that arises from the commoditization of voice and data transmission. What telcos must do instead is to realign themselves in order to develop new sources of revenue. This is because existing business models based on usage or subscription fees for consumers are facing mounting pressure, unless they offer the customer pronounced added value. Retail customers are showing greater willingness to pay for value-added services, meaning content and services for entertainment, information and transactions. 6) Unlike pure voice and data transmission, such services can also achieve pull effects and improve customer loyalty. But a fundamental shift in the telcos’ outlook is much more important than this expansion of their existing lines of business. Instead of focusing exclusively on consumers, as they have done in the past, telcos are opening up new lines of business through partnerships with other companies. New monetization models such as white-label services, revenue sharing, platform fees and advertising offer potential for the future here. In just a few years, these revenue models based on B2B partnerships will surpass the pro rata share of the B2C business models in total sales. It is very important to have good B2B partnerships. B2B is important because you get good scale effects rather than reaching out to single customers, since the companies want to exploit their network capacities. Top executive, COAI, India It will not work without partnerships. Top executive, Technology & Innovation, Deutsche Telekom, Germany There was almost unanimous agreement among the study participants with this assessment of the shift in significance. A B2B partnership is a business model based on an agreement involving two or more companies to share resources (e.g. financial, capabilities) to reach a common goal (e.g. joint product development). 6) IBB Consulting (2017). Majority of Paid OTT Users Willing To Spend More On Existing Subscriptions, Add New Ones. Retrieved from