Student Revue LISTOPAD-PROSINEC | Page 12

kultura the looking glass I  have read many books, but ne- ver came across one that I  would be shocked and impressed by at the same time. text: Barbora Smolková 2.c U ntil I  found this one- Looking Glass by Andrew Mayne (it´s  a  part two to Andrew´s  previous book called „ The Naturalist“. The only criticism I  have about his books is the fact that it takes me a  long time to read, because it completely sucks me in. The main character is an American scien- tist Theo Cray. In the previous book Theo helped - and eventually solved a  huge crime, which was the case of a  murderer who was crazy, but really smart and killed many people. Because of him Theo inven- ted a  PC programme that helped working out cases like this, because it was able to see what people wouldn´t have seen. In this book Theo is helping (or solving - since the police couldn´t have solved it for 20 years) a  case of a  desperate father, whose son named Christian has gone missing for 20 years. He was lastly seen leaving his school and suddenly- all that was left from him was his bike. Theo can hear a  story, that many people believe isn´t true. It is a  story of a  „Toy man“ who rides around the town in a  white van giving little boys toys, and when he meets a  certain boy for the second or third time, he picks him up and takes him home, telling the boy that this place where he´s  going to take him is a  Toy land. However, Theo doesn´t find a  Toy land, he finds an old house where an old lady with her dog keeps finding bones at her backy- ard... The police think that the lady is just old and therefore sees unreal things... Will Theo find the Toy man? Will he find 12 listopad-prosinec 2019 Christian ? I  guess you will have to find out yourself. All I  am going to say is just the fact - this book is mysterious, full of twists and turns and when you read one chapter, you immediately have to start the next one, because it´s  so tempting. It never leaves you bored. Andrew Mayne is honestly the best writer I  have come across so far. The only criticism I  have about his books is the fact that it takes me a  long time to read , because it complete- ly sucks me in - to the point that I  have to keep reading. So be aware of that!l