Student Organizations Procedures Manual | Page 9

Student Organization Renewal Each organization must renew its recognition status annually ( August 1 – October 1 ). * Student Engagement must approve any exceptions to these guidelines in advance
Review & update the student organization ’ s Constitution ( including Bylaws ). ( CONSTITUTION SAMPLE )
Establish at least two ( 2 ) officers for the organization and obtain their contact information . Officers must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 * GPA and maintain a minimum of six ( 6 )* credit hours each Fall and Spring semester .
• Each organization must maintain a President and a Treasurer as officer positions .
Obtain contact information for each Collin College faculty or staff member serving as the student organization advisor ( s ). Advisor ( s ) must get approval from their supervisor / dean before beginning their involvement .
Complete an updated Generic Email Request Set-Up Form to ensure the appropriate administrators are able to access the organization ’ s Collin . edu email account .
Maintain five ( 5 ) members that meet the minimum standards ( including officers ).
• A “ Member ” is a student who maintains a minimum standard enrollment of one ( 1 )* credit hour at Collin College and maintains a minimum cumulative 2.0 * GPA at the time of engagement .
All student organizations must be represented at the Student Government Association ( SGA ) monthly meetings . This person can be any organization member , but each person can only represent one ( 1 ) organization during the SGA monthly meetings .
Student Engagement will host online Student Organization Officer & Advisor Trainings during renewal . The following officers must complete the training representing their student organization to gain “ Approved ” status : President , Treasurer , and Primary Advisor .
• Organizations with an agency account , must submit an updated Agency Account Set-Up form annually ; the organization cannot access funds until this form is completed .
Update and renew the “ organization profile ” on Cougar Connect . Upload all organization materials to this site .
• Once all renewal materials are uploaded into Cougar Connect , your student organization will hold a “ Pending ” status . While in pending status , your student organization will only be able to hold general meetings .
• Once the renewal materials are submitted on Cougar Connect , the primary advisor will receive an email from Cougar Connect , requesting their organization ' s approval .
Reactivating an Organization Student organizations that have been dissolved for at least one ( 1 ) semester must email StudentEngagement @ collin . edu . If Agency Account funds still exist from the dissolved organization , the new organization must accept the original constitution for at least one ( 1 ) semester before gaining access to the initial funds . Constitutional changes may be voted on after one ( 1 ) semester of recognition .
* In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act , students requesting an exception to this policy should contact ACCESS ( Accommodations at Collin County for Equal Support Services ). ** If membership requirements are listed in the governing documents for academic organizations exceed the basic requirements listed above , the organization will follow the requirements detailed in their governing documents , unless they violate Collin policies and procedures .