Student Organizations Procedures Manual | Page 10

FALL – Student Organization Officer and Advisor Training ( AUG-OCT )
WHO President , Treasurer , and Advisor must complete this training online . ( Newly established organizations will complete training during their New Student Organization Orientation meeting .)
WHEN Officer and Advisor training will be offered online throughout August-October . Training topics will include financial responsibilities , student organization operations , and using Cougar Connect . Must be attended annually before processing any financial transactions .
Training will be offered online . After the training , the organization representatives will sign the Agency Account Set-Up Form , which grants access to the organization ’ s finances .
Additional Student Organization Training
Student Engagement may provide additional topic-specific training upon request . Some training that student organizations may request include :
• Renewal Workshop
• Cougar Connect 101
• Managing Members
• Event Request Basics
• How to Run Elections
• Promotion and Publicity Options at Collin
• Managing Tasks and To-Do Lists
If you have a training idea that is not listed , contact Student Engagement , and we will discuss how we can help .
Changing Organization Name Organizations may choose to change their name as long as they are currently recognized and in good standing . The change must be voted on and approved by the organization members . Once the vote is passed , the organization must email Student Engagement outlining the desired name change . Meeting minutes , which show the results of the vote and an updated Constitution and Bylaws , must be attached to the email . In addition , the organization ’ s officers and advisors must complete and sign an updated Agency Account Set-Up Form and Generic Email Request Form . These updated documents must be submitted to Student Engagement before approval of the name change .
Officer Transition
Most successful student organizations implement some form of the officer transition program . To be more effective , officer terms should provide at least one month of overlap . Hence , new officers have the opportunity to work closely with outgoing officers to understand the roles and responsibilities of their respective leadership positions . A smooth transition is the responsibility of the organization ' s outgoing and incoming members . This checklist serves as a guide for training for new officers , closure for outgoing leaders , and helps the organization maintain consistency yearly .
� Share Files Related to your Position and Organization Make sure the incoming officer has a copy of the following items :
• Mission , philosophy , goals , and purpose statement of organization
• Copy of Constitution and By-laws ( an updated document should be housed on your Cougar Connect Profile )
• Financial records
• Member & officer contact list
• Log-In information for online resources / email accounts