Confirmation of Student Organization Recognition
Once approved , the requester will receive a notification via Cougar Connect .
Selecting a Faculty or Staff Advisor
• Organizations must establish a full-time Collin College faculty or staff member as the primary advisor . Part-time faculty or staff may petition the Associate Dean of Student and Enrollment Services for Student Engagement to become an approved primary advisor .
• Seek out an advisor who supports the purpose and goals of the group . If the group has difficulty finding an advisor , they should contact Student Engagement for suggestions .
• The primary advisor ’ s supervisor must approve their involvement with the organization annually .
• Organizations are encouraged to have a secondary advisor . Secondary advisor ( s ) may be full-time or parttime faculty or staff .
• Organizations must consult with their advisor ( s ) before any program / event is undertaken or before changing their governing documents .
• Advisor ( s ) must know of and approve all organizational expenditures .
• Advisor ( s ) must know of and approve all organizational activities .
• Advisor ( s ) are obligated to counsel and advise the organization concerning college policies , procedures , and conduct .
Note : See the “ Advisor Resources ” section for steps to change an advisor .
Establishing Affiliation with an External Organization Student Organizations that wish to establish an affiliation with an external local , state , regional , national , or international organization must complete an online intent form ( called the “ Student Organization External Affiliation Intent Form ”, which can also be located in Forms on Cougar Connect ) which will request information used by Student Engagement when considering the affiliation approval . The approval timeline may vary depending on considerations of the external organization and the nature and scope of the desired affiliation .
Each organization with an affiliation must provide a letter from the external organization stating that the Collin College Student Organization has permission to use the external organization ’ s name and logo .
Once the affiliation is approved by Collin College Student Engagement and the organization , the relationship to the affiliate must be outlined in the Student Organization ’ s constitution and bylaws . Student Engagement will write an approval letter to send to the affiliate organization upon approval .
Student Engagement will consider the following upon approving an affiliation :
• History of the external organization
• External organization ’ s charter mandates and requirements
• External organization governing structure
• Amount and method of fee collection
• The benefit of such affiliation to the student organization and larger academic community
For officers or advisors seeking a leadership position with an external affiliate , consultation / approval is required from Student Engagement at least 10 college business days before submitting your name for the ballot . Officers must receive written permission from their advisor and the Dean of Student and Enrollment Services . Advisors must receive permission from the Associate Dean of Student and Enrollment Services for Student Engagement and their supervisor .
* As used throughout this SOPM , the term “ college business days ” is defined as days the college is open for normal business operations and may exclude certain holidays or extended breaks such as Spring Break .