2 . Participants : Who is attending the activity ? Why are they attending ? Will a significant number of members attend ? Do members perceive the activity to be open to the campus community at large ? 3 . Funding : Will organization funds be used to support the activity ? 4 . Responsible Party : As a leader in your organization , do you believe you are responsible for this activity ? If not , who would be held accountable in an accident ? Were members involved in the planning of the activity ? 5 . Publicity : Will the organization ’ s name or other identification method be used in the event publicity ? Will the organization ’ s communication mechanisms be used to promote the event ?
6 . Location : Where is the activity being held ? If off-campus , is it held in the residence of organization members ? If held at a third-party vendor location , who made the arrangements ? Was the organization ’ s name used when creating the accounts ?
7 . Association : Is the event perceived to be associated with the student organization ? Would a reasonable person think this activity is associated with your organization ?
Each activity , event , or program may involve a unique set of circumstances that you , as student leaders , should evaluate . Before planning an activity , event , or program , ask yourself these questions and consider what steps can be taken to ensure the safety and security of participants . If you have questions regarding the expectations of student organization leaders and responsibilities in the event of an accident , please visit with a Student Engagement staff member . The Student Engagement staff can help you think through an event and provide ideas for limiting risk to those who will be involved .
Event Request
Steps 1 . In the top right corner , click on the square of 9 smaller squares ( next to your circle profile ), then click
“ Manage .” This takes you to the Action Center . 2 . Under My Memberships , select the organization for which you would like to create an event . 3 . In the top left corner , click on the hamburger menu ( 3 horizontal lines ), then select Events . 4 . In the top right corner , hit the blue button that says “ Create Event .” 5 . You will be asked to answer a series of questions . Be sure you fill them all out to the best of your ability . The more you answer now , the less you ’ ll have to answer later through email ! 6 . Your Advisor will receive an email prompting them to approve your request . The request won ’ t go anywhere until your advisor has approved it . 7 . Await all necessary approvals .
8 . You will receive a notification on Cougar Connect , and your email indicates that your event is approved . Ensure you read this notification carefully because Student Engagement will include reminders and important notes regarding the reservation .
For assistance in working with events , please refer to the How to Manage Events Guide
The nature and scope of your event will determine the number of approvals necessary for your event request . Most events can be categorized by a tier system , which helps understand the amount of time needed for acceptance .