Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 34

A student may be found responsible if any of the following occur: - - - - - - - - - - Submits a paper, examination, computer program, project, speech or assignment as his or her own work if someone else prepared it. Copies verbatim (word-for-word) the written materials of others without putting such words in quotation marks and/or without documenting the source of those words. Paraphrases (puts into the student’s own words) the ideas of others without documenting the source of these ideas. Copies the artistic creations of others without documenting the source of those ideas. Copies a table, chart, diagram or any illustration without documenting the source. Uses terminology or concepts created by another without documenting the source. Presents false, fabricated, or altered information or data to support the thesis or main idea of the work. Submits the same assignment for more than one course without the permission of all of the instructors. Downloads and uses text or materials from the Internet, from a hard drive of any computer (on campus or elsewhere), or from a USB, CD-ROM or other electronic storage device without documentation and the original author’s consent. Performs and/or accesses any work for another enrolled student, regardless of delivery mode. Filing of an NWTC Incident Report Any person may allege a violation of the Student Code of Conduct by completing an “NWTC Incident Report Form”. Students may contact Campus Security or any member of the College staff to initiate an incident report. An incident report may be filed on line at: Security/File-an-Incident-Report-or-Sexual-Misconduct-Compl and click on the link “Incident Report”. The College reserves the right to initiate a student conduct process based on available information, even if a formal incident report has not been received. The incident report shall describe the conduct in question and, if known, the name of the person or persons alleged to have engaged in that conduct. An incident report should be filed within 24-48 hours of the reportable incident if possible. Notification of Alleged Conduct Violations and Preliminary Investigation Upon receiving an incident report, the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee may appoint additional staff to conduct a preliminary investigation of the complaint. If sufficient cause is found suggesting a conduct violation, the student will be informed in writing of the charge(s) against him or her (including the specific provision(s) of the Student Code of Conduct alleged to have been violated). Students alleged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct may request to view the incident form. NWTC will redact personal information (names, IDS numbers, and addresses) of other students or staff members. Requests for viewing these reports must be made in writing to the Dean of Student Development at least one business day in advance. The student will be informed in writing of the charge(s) against him or her (including the specific provision(s) of the Student Code of Conduct alleged to have been violated), and the College may request that the student participate in a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Student Development or designee. The purposes of the mandatory meeting are to review the charge(s) and possible sanctions in the event that the student is found to be responsible for the violation(s) in question; to provide the student with an opportunity to respond to the charge(s); and to review discipline and appeal procedures and the student’s rights in connection with those procedures. In any investigation or conduct meeting, a student may request to bring an advocate, whose function is to support and advise the student, NOT to represent him/her. NWTC will attempt to accommodate all parties’ schedules however, conduct meetings are required and students will be expected to attend. Investigation of Student Conduct Except under extreme emergency circumstances, premises occupied by students and the personal possessions of students will not be searched unless reasonable suspicion exists, and appropriate authorization has been obtained. For premises such as lockers and other facilities controlled by the College, an appropriate and responsible authority will be designated to whom application should be made before a search is conducted. This person is the Vice President of Student Services or his/her designee, at NWTC (i.e. Security Manager). An application will be prepared specifying the reasons for the search and the objects or information sought. The student will be present, if possible, for the search. For premises not controlled by the College, the ordinary requirements for lawful search will be followed. When reasonable suspicion exists, tests for illegal controlled substances or alcohol may be administered consistent with applicable law.