Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 33

facsimile firearms, and/or potentially dangerous devices, whether functional or not, in the NWTC facilities (owned or leased), in the NWTC buildings (owned or leased), or at NWTC sponsored functions held on public or private property off campus is strictly prohibited, except as expressly permitted. 8. Trespassing on College property or other unauthorized use of College property or services. 9. Abuse of College computer, network, or other technology system resources and other violations of the College’s Technology Use Policy. In addition, use of camera phones, photographs, audio recordings, etc. for educational purposes is prohibited when others would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. 10. Disrupting the peace, the education process or any related activity. Public use of inappropriate language, which interferes in any way with the learning process or environment at NWTC. 11. Failure to comply with the directions of an authorized College employee or representative who is performing his/her duties. 12. Any conduct that constitutes a violation of the terms of any discipline imposed in accordance with this procedure, or any form of retaliation toward a reporting party or any participant in an investigation or conduct process. Retaliation will not be tolerated. 13. Any conduct that constitutes a violation of handbooks, contracts, or behavioral expectations specific to College programs or activities. 14. Violation of federal, state, or local laws while on NWTC premises, at NWTC-sponsored activities, or in any context which might endanger the safety or well-being of other students, staff or faculty, or which might otherwise be detrimental to the interests of the College. 15. Any behavior considered harmful to students, the college community, or the teaching/learning process. 16. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarizing or furnishing false information on such forms as transcripts or applications for admission. Failure to report knowledge of academic dishonesty to a College official may be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 17. NWTC is a tobacco free campus, which includes all electronic nicotine delivering devices. Tobacco usage is prohibited on the premises (buildings, grounds, sidewalks, streets, parking lots, and structures) or in College owned or leased vehicles. Individuals may use tobacco or e-cigarettes in their personal vehicles; however, disposal of cigarette butts, smoking materials, or garbage on campus grounds is strictly prohibited. If a student is asked by an instructor or staff member of NWTC to remove themselves from either a classroom or another college location, the student may only return to that area with the approval of their instructor or a Dean/Associate Dean. As a student at NWTC, students are expected to maintain personal and professional honesty in all of their actions at the College. Students must do their own work and take steps to avoid plagiarism, collusion, or cheating. Student work includes tests, papers, projects, speeches or any other assigned work that will be evaluated for a grade. Definitions: Plagiarism is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own …[to] present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 898). Collusion occurs when two or more students who are preparing individual assignments work together and submit similar work for assessment. Any student who allows another to use his or her materials is guilty of collusion. Collusion does not occur if students have been assigned group projects. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, looking at, copying, or using the work of another for assignments or projects, sharing test questions, using unauthorized test banks, or by using unauthorized notes or materials on examinations. Examples: