Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 32

Students have rights under the United States Constitution which may be exercised in the College as in other public institutions. The law recognizes that these rights are subject to restraints that may be imposed because of the College’s role and function. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of NWTC to respect the properly exercised rights of students. Student Conduct The student conduct process may occur simultaneously, prior to, or following any criminal, employment, or other proceeding. A student charged with violating the Code of Conduct may not avoid the conduct process by withdrawing from the College. Student conduct proceedings may continue without the student’s participation, and/or a hold may be placed on the student’s record until the matter is resolved. A student may be sanctioned regardless of enrollment status. The student will be notified through their NWTC email account or via certified letter. The Student Code of Conduct lists procedures to respond to such behaviors, and it provides for sanctions that are intended to educate and to safeguard members of the College community. If students have any questions about this Code, please contact the Office of the Dean of Student Development (Green Bay, SC240A13), (920) 498- 6984. Violations Whenever a student commits or attempts to commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as set out below on the College campus, or at an activity, function or event sponsored or supervised by the College, discipline and sanctions may be imposed on the student. Discipline may also be imposed whenever a student commits a violation of the Student Code of Conduct off campus, if the misconduct adversely affects the College community or the pursuit of its educational objectives. NWTC academic programs may have program specific handbooks with additional expectations and possible sanctions specific to the program. Students may be subject to possible sanctions from both their specific academic program as well as the general Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct include but are not limited to: 1. Violation of NWTC’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Free Working and Learning Policy as published in the “Student’s Right to Know” section of this handbook. 2. Theft, or attempted theft, of property, services, or funds, including forging documents for financial gain. 3. Intentional or willful destruction of property. Unintentional damage may also be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct if the student(s) responsible does not report the damage to College staff. Restitution may be required if the damage happens to NWTC property or facilities. 4. Assault and/or battery. 5. Conduct (to include social media and electronic communication) which constitutes harassment, bullying or abuse that threatens the physical or mental well-being, health or safety of any individual. 6. Sexual harassment or misconduct to include: - - - 7. Any sexual act that occurs without the consent of the victim, or that occurs when the victim is unable to give consent. Obscene, lewd, or indecent behavior, which includes, but is not limited to, exposure of one’s sexual organs or the display of sexual behavior that would reasonably be offensive to others. Conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive campus, educational or working environment for another person. This includes unwanted, unwelcome or inappropriate sexual or gender-based activities or comments. (For more details on sexual misconduct, how to file an incident report, Title IX Coordinators/Deputy Coordinator contact information, etc., see section in Student Handbook, listed as “Title IX”). Possession or use of weapons or explosive devices including threats of such activities. All NWTC owned/leased properties are weapons-free as per Wisconsin State Statute 943.13(1m)(5): Possession of firearms, dangerous articles, incendiary devices, explosives, or other potential weapons are forbidden on NWTC owned or operated property or at NWTC sponsored activities, except in program and/or course required and designated instances. The use, concealment, creating, manufacture, or possession of weapons,