Student Handbook 2019-2020 | Page 35

Appropriate law enforcement personnel will be responsible to advise students of their rights when students are charged or arrested for violations of law. Appropriate College officials reserve the right to independently investigate student misconduct and alleged violations of institutional regulations or policies. No illegal harassment will be used by College representatives to cause an admission of guilt, or to extract information about conduct of other suspected persons. Determination of Sanctions In keeping with the values of NWTC, sanctions are designed to promote the College’s educational mission. Sanctions may also serve to promote safety or to deter students from behavior that harms, harasses, or threatens people or property. Some behavior is so harmful or disruptive to the College community or to the educational process that it may require more serious sanctions, such as removal from specific programs, courses or activities, suspension, or expulsion. More than one sanction may be recommended. Factors Considered in Determining Sanctions Although not binding or definitive, the following factors may be considered in determining what sanctions are appropriate in a particular case: a. b. c. d. e. f. The nature of the violations(s). Prior violations and disciplinary history. Mitigating circumstances surrounding the violation. The student’s motive or purpose for engaging in the behavior. Sanctions which have been imposed in similar cases in the past. The developmental and educational impact on the student. Possible Sanctions Multiple sanctions may be imposed, including but not limited to one or more of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Expulsion: Expel a student from the College, a program, course, or activity on a permanent basis. Suspension: Suspend a student from the College, a program, course or activity for a specified period of time. Prohibition on Re-enrollment: Bar a student from re-enrolling in the College, a program, course or activity for a specified or unlimited period of time, if a student withdraws prior to being suspended or expelled. Conditional Enrollment or Re-enrollment: Condition a student’s enrollment or re-enrollment on his or her taking or refraining from specific actions. Behavioral Expectations – Place a written notice of expectations in the student’s conduct case file where students must comply with all terms and conditions of College policies regarding student behavior. They must also comply with any sanctions and provisions issued in the document such as mental health assessments, counseling participation, referrals to outside agencies, etc. Educational Requirements: A provision to complete a specific educational requirement directly related to the violation committed. The provision will be clearly defined. Such educational requirements may include, but are not limited to, completion of an alcohol education workshop, a diversity awareness workshop, essays, reports, etc. Remedial Action: An agreement between the student and the Office of the Dean of Student Development that the student shall pursue specific remedial action. Probation and/or Restrictions: The withdrawal of specified privileges or restrictions on action for a definite period of time (i.e., restriction from entering specific College areas and/or all forms of contact with certain individuals). Reprimand: A formal letter of warning or final warning shall be placed in the student’s conduct case file. In Academic Integrity cases, the following sanctions may be imposed: a. b. c. d. e. f. Give the assigned work a zero or an F. Notify the student’s program instructors of the incident. Ask the student to create original work in a supervised setting. Drop the student from the course with an F. Suggest to the Dean that the student be dropped from the student’s academic program. Adhere to the penalty stated in each course’s syllabus.