requesting funds . Deactivation may also result in the postponement or cancellation of any approved club activities , travel or fundraising until reactivation occurs . The Club Sponsor ( s ) will be notified of inactive status via email by the Student Life Coordinator .
Deactivated clubs may apply for reactivation by following Steps 1-3 ( Section 102 ) with updated documentation .
104 Electing Club Officers
To run for and maintain a club officer position , students must meet the following guidelines . Any deviations must be approved by the Student Life Coordinator and Associate Dean of Student Life in conjunction with Club Sponsor ( s ).
• Have and maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher .
• Adhere to the election procedure outlined in the club ’ s constitution and bylaws .
• May not concurrently hold officer positions in the SGA or any other campus club .
105 Club Meetings
Club Sponsor ( s ) are required to attend all club meetings and activities . Every effort should be made by the club to schedule meetings and activities to accommodate as many club members as possible . Any club activities that occur outside of regularly scheduled meetings must be submitted for approval following the steps under Student Activities ( Section 200 ).
105.1 When Clubs must meet on a monthly basis at minimum but are strongly encouraged to meet more frequently . Meeting dates , times , and locations must be noted on the New / Reactivated Club Charter and the Club Status Report . The club sponsor must also share meeting and event details ( and any changes ) with the Communications Office for inclusion on the College calendar .
105.2 Where Meetings must be hosted on campus , and the Club Sponsor is responsible for reserving the use of College facilities and technical equipment . On-campus meetings are encouraged to provide audio and / or visual options to accommodate more students . Students will not be allowed access to reserved campus space without the Club Sponsor ’ s presence and should be prepared to present their EFSC ID to Campus Security upon request . Campus Security may ask students to leave any building or room when authorization has not been given . Clubs should take special care to leave reserved campus facilities in the same condition they are found .
105.3 What Clubs are encouraged to set their goals and major activities early in the year and to continuously refine those goals into clearly defined meeting agendas throughout the year . It is expected that club meetings will be conducted by parliamentary procedure using the most current edition of Robert ’ s Rules of Order . Club meeting times are not appropriate to do the work required to host an event or activity .
Meeting minutes must be recorded for each meeting to include attendance and a budget report ( if applicable ). These records must be submitted to the Student Life Coordinator within one ( 1 ) week of