100 Clubs & Organizations
101 Overview of Clubs & Organizations
Clubs and organizations at Eastern Florida State College both operate under the same procedures outlined in this handbook . The only difference is that organizations are affiliated with a state , national , or international association through an official charter and function as local chapters of that association . As such , interested students may apply for membership through the organization , but must meet the association ’ s requirements for acceptance . Membership in clubs , on the other hand , is open to all EFSC students .
Clubs and organizations will be referred to as “ clubs ” hereafter since they adhere to the same guidelines .
102 Starting & Reactivating Clubs
102.1 Important Note : Active Start for Established Clubs If clubs were active until the end of the Spring semester , they may begin the following Fall semester with a temporary active status . These clubs must submit reactivation paperwork within the first four ( 4 ) weeks of the Fall semester in order to remain active . This temporary status allows preexisting clubs the ability to vote and to request activities , travel and fundraisers at the start of the semester . Clubs are expected to maintain minimum standards for active status during this time ( see Section 103.1 ). If the club fails to submit the appropriate paperwork within the deadline , it will be automatically deactivated ( see Section 103.2 ). Deactivated clubs must follow Steps 1-3 for reactivation .
102.2 Step 1 : Prepare Documentation A new club be chartered anytime during the fall and spring semesters . The documents listed below must be completed and submitted to the Student Life Coordinator on the campus on which the new club is sought . Items listed in Bold Italics are official EFSC forms . They may be accessed on the EFSC website unless otherwise noted ( see Appendix B ).
• New / Reactivated Club Charter
• Club Sponsor Agreement o In the case of multiple sponsors , a Club Sponsor Agreement must be completed for each one . See Club Sponsor ( Section 106 ) for more information .
• Constitution and Bylaws ( writing guidelines available online ) o If there is affiliation with a local , state , national , or international association , the association ’ s constitution and bylaws must be included .
Certain high-risk activities , such as scuba diving and sky diving , are not well suited for a student club . The SGA , Student Life Coordinator , and administration will not entertain requests to recognize such high-risk clubs which may bring harm to students .
102.3 Step 2 : Present to SGA Once the club paperwork is submitted , the club will be placed on the next scheduled SGA Council Board meeting agenda . At least one club member must attend the SGA Council Board meeting to discuss the goals and