• Collegewide SGA Council President
• Collegewide SGA Council Vice President
• Collegewide SGA Council Secretary
• Collegewide SGA Council Treasurer
• Collegewide SGA Council Parliamentarian
101.2 SGA Collegewide SGA Council President The SGA President is responsible for leading all formal North and South End meetings and serving as the SGA representative on campus and college-wide committees as requested . As a result , the President will have the opportunity to work with various segments of EFSC ’ s organization such as campus and college level administration , staff , faculty , and approved community organizations in addition to the Office of Student Life . The President ’ s duties include , but are not limited to the following :
• Serving as Chair of all SGA Council Board meetings and calls additional meetings as necessary ( Note : In accordance with the SGA Constitution , the SGA President will only vote in case of a tie ).
• Working with the Associate Dean of Student Life and Student Life Coordinator to create agendas for all meetings .
• Collaborating with the Associate Dean of Student Life to set dates for all SGA related meetings .
• Receiving and managing all activity , travel , and fundraising requests .
• Delegating tasks and creating special committees as appropriate to ensure the timely completion of directives .
• Serving as liaison between the SGA and EFSC Administration .
• Providing support to fellow SGA Council officers ; serving on committees and completing delegated tasks in a timely manner .
• Actively contributing ideas , thoughts , feedback , etc . on all student activities , student concerns , and funding requests .
101.3 SGA Vice President The Vice President will work closely with the SGA Council President , Associate Dean of Student Life , Council board members , and campus clubs and organizations . Some of the Vice President ’ s duties include , but are not limited to the following :
• Attending all Council meetings as scheduled and voting to represent the best interests of the student body
• Monitoring , in collaboration with the Associate Dean of Student Life , the publicity and promotion ( e . g . social media , emails , flyers , creative advertising and website ) for all SGA events and activities
• Working closely with the Associate Dean of Student Life to coordinate the distribution of SGA Council information
• Provide support to fellow SGA Council members
• Actively contributing ideas , thoughts , feedback , etc . on all SGA related activities , events , student concerns , and funding requests