Appendix A : Student Government Association Constitution & Bylaws
100 Student Governance
100.1 Preamble We , the students of Eastern Florida State College ( hereinafter EFSC ), in order to establish better relations and communications between students , administration , and faculty ; to provide avenues for input in institutional decision making ; to advance leadership and scholarship ; to promote student academic retention ; to create a feeling of unity among all students and to stimulate and develop school spirit , do hereby establish this constitution for the Student Government Association of EFSC . The name shall be the Student Government Association ( hereinafter SGA ).
100.2 Purpose The purpose of SGA will be to serve as a liaison between the students , administration , and faculty and to provide for and encourage active student participation in school affairs as well as to assist in the establishment and maintenance of conditions conducive to student success , student learning , student retention and an enriched extracurricular environment .
As a recognized body of student governance operating under the guidance of the respective campus Student Life Coordinator , Associate Dean of Student Life and the Dean of Students , the Student Government Association accepts responsibility for the following :
• Serving as the official voice of the campus student body .
• Providing a forum for students to express their questions , concerns , and ideas .
• Supporting and governing all student clubs / organizations (“ clubs ” hereafter ).
• Encouraging increased student activity through the development of new student clubs .
• Reviewing student sponsored activities , including student group travel , for approval .
• Recommending eligible students to serve as voting members of college-wide or special committees .
• Representing College standards both on and off campus . As elected officers , members of the E- Board should always be mindful that they are representatives of the College .
101 Composition of SGA Leadership
101.1 SGA Council Board The primary responsibility of the SGA Council Board is to manage the business of the SGA Campus Activity Boards collegewide . The SGA Council Board is tasked to consider , diplomatically and objectively , the interests of all campus parties . These students facilitate the official processes defined in this Handbook through the appropriate forms and procedures . The Council Board works collaboratively with the Student Life Coordinator and Campus Activity Chairs and Co-Chairs to ensure the spirit of student activities are achieved while maintaining the best interests of the individual campus and the College as a whole .
Executive power will be vested in the SGA Council officers . The SGA Council Board officers elected by each campus constituency will be :